⟩ Tell me a bit about your morning routine?
Wake up, read theSkimm, check email, check Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, then walk to the office listening to TED Radio Hour or This American Life.
Wake up, read theSkimm, check email, check Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, then walk to the office listening to TED Radio Hour or This American Life.
General Community Manager Job Interview Questions
Tell us how do you deal with difficult people, arguments in your community, or legal/security risks?
Let’s say you notice a spike — or drop — in social activity on network. What are your next steps?
Top 21 Community Manager Job Interview Questions
Tell us what are the first 3 things you do to start your morning as a social media manager?
Explain me how often and how quickly do you respond to comments? How do you deal with negative comments?
Top 10 Basic Community Manager Job Interview Questions
Tell me what’s the biggest lesson you learned from your previous job? (or tell us about a time you’ve failed)?
Tell us which online communities have you managed in the past and what were your responsibilities?
I like what I am hearing but I have got a ton of great candidates. Why should we hire you?