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⟩ Tell me what Does the Role of Online Community Manager Entail?

Even though the role of online community manager is usually pretty broad, that doesn’t mean you’ll be constantly focused on putting out fires. Your main responsibilities will be tweaking the processes of the online community to try and increase participation and get more people through the onboarding process. You’ll coordinate the content that will be added into the community to ensure your customers or members are getting the value and support they expect.

At their best, online community managers wear a lot of hats, but perhaps one of the biggest challenges of the position is continually educating the people around you about the purpose of your role. Since staffing an online community manager is a relatively new experience for most organizations, you will likely have the ability to shape your role, for better or for worse. Taking the time to educate those around you about what you bring to the table can help solidify your position as a necessity.


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