⟩ Basic Firefighter Specialist Job Interview Questions
☛ Tell us a little about yourself and how your education, training, and experience have qualified you for this position.
☛ What's an important value to you and give an example of how this value affects your life?
☛ Give an example of your loyalty to the fire department.
☛ Describe in your own words the key values of this fire department.
☛ What are three issues facing the fire service today?
☛ What is the weakest attribute you bring to this position and what have you done to overcome it?
☛ What is the biggest challenge you will face in your new position?
☛ What is your strongest attribute?
☛ How do you motivate others?
☛ What style of leadership have you adopted?
☛ What do you feel are the main roles and responsibilities of this position?
☛ How would you deal with a policy change from management that you disagree with?
☛ In your opinion, what is the one glaring deficiency in your department and is there anything you feel you can do in this new position to correct or alleviate this deficiency?
☛ How do you go about resolving conflict?
☛ Why should we select you over other candidates?
☛ What do you bring to this position?
☛ Why do you want to promote?
☛ What does leading by example mean to you?
☛ What would your current supervisor say about you?
☛ What are your short and long range goals?