
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Professional Firefighter Specialist Job Interview Questions

☛ Please prioritize the following in order of importance to you: Career, Family, Friends.

☛ Suppression, Prevention and Public Education, rank them in order of importance in the Fire Service and explain your reasoning.

☛ Describe a difficult decision that you've had to make in your life. What were the circumstances and what was your decision? Would you make the same decision again?

☛ Tell us about a conflict you've had with a co-worker or supervisor. What actions did you take to resolve this conflict? What did you learn from it? What would you do differently if the same situation arose again?

☛ Tell us about a mistake you've made in your past and what you learned from that mistake.

☛ What have you done to prepare for this interview?

☛ What have you done to prepare for a career in the fire service? What have you done to prepare for a career with the _______ fire department?

☛ Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?

☛ Why do you want to be a firefighter?

☛ Why do you want to be a firefighter for the City of _______?

☛ What is the most appealing aspect of being a firefighter?

☛ What is the least appealing aspect of being a firefighter?

☛ What do you consider to be your strongest asset? your weakest?

☛ Why would you be a good firefighter?

☛ Give an example in which you had to work as part of a team in order to achieve a common goal.

☛ What is the advantage of working in teams?

☛ Why is teamwork so important in the fire service?

☛ How do you and your family feel about you working 24 (or 48) hour shifts?

☛ What makes you think you would be able to deal with the stresses of being a firefighter?

☛ How have you prepared yourself to remain calm and react effectively at emergency scenes?

☛ Give an example of a time which you were faced with an emergency situation.

☛ Explain the circumstances and your actions.

☛ What kinds of personal conflicts/problems might arise in a firehouse and what could you do to minimize such problems?

☛ What personality traits do you possess that make you feel you would be a good firefighter?

☛ If hired what would you give to our department?


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