⟩ Fresh Firefighter Specialist Job Interview Questions
☛ What are some of the important traits a firefighter must possess?
☛ What is the most important trait a firefighter must possess?
☛ How could you help maintain good relations around the firehouse?
☛ What is a typical daily routine in a firehouse?
☛ What will you do with your spare time while on duty?
☛ What duties does a firefighter perform?
☛ What is the most essential duty a firefighter performs?
☛ What type of person would you find it most difficult to work with?
☛ Would you ever disobey an order?
☛ When would you disobey an order?
☛ What do you know about the city of ________?
☛ What do you know about the organizational structure of the ____ Fire Department?
☛ What are your hobbies and/or interests?
☛ Define harassment/sexual harassment.
☛ What would you do if you were witness to someone being sexually harassed/harassed?
☛ Have you ever been directly or indirectly or known someone who was involved in a sexual harassment/harassment dispute? What were the circumstances?
☛ Honesty and Integrity, define them and why are they important in the fire service?
☛ Pride and Loyalty, define them and why are they important in the fire service?
☛ What are the advantages and disadvantages of similar groups vs. diverse groups of people when working as a team?
☛ What do you think the future holds for the fire service?
☛ Where do you see the fire service going (how do you see it changing) in the next 5-10 years?
☛ If we were to contact your present or former employer, what would be one negative point they might raise about you?
☛ Are you currently on any other fire department eligibility list?
☛ What would you do if we offered you a position, and then soon after, you were offered a position with a bigger and better paying department, why would you stay?
☛ As part of the hiring process we will be doing an extensive background investigation. Is there anything in your past that you would like to discuss or explain to this panel?