⟩ What is the most difficult part of being a Funeral Attendant?
Because of empathizing, it may be difficult to hold back tears.
Because of empathizing, it may be difficult to hold back tears.
Competency Based Funeral home interview questions
Tell me what type of personal protective equipment is worn by morticians to prevent exposure to unknown infectious agents that the deceased may have in their body fluids or tissues?
What is Included in a Charge for a Cash Advance?
Have you ever dealt with grieving people?
How Long Have You Been in Business?
How do you handle stressful situations as Funeral Director?
Why did you choose to become a Funeral Attendant?
Do you know What Alternatives Are Available for Disposing of the Body?
Explain, when dealing with an unexpected death in the family, how can one feel confident choosing the right funeral home? We used to shopping around for the best price on the things we buy, but we sure in a tragic situation we would not feel up for that. How can we be sure we are not getting taken for a ride? Do people actually shop around for funeral services?
Suppose I am interested in a "green" burial. No embalming, no vault, burial within 24-48 hours, biodegradable casket. Can this sort of burial be pre-planned so I wishes will be granted and no fussing within the family?