⟩ Explain gradient in Adobe Photoshop?
Gradients are a great way to introduce eye-catching and flashy graphics in your pages.
Gradients are a great way to introduce eye-catching and flashy graphics in your pages.
Explain What is Application-Layer Firewall?
Explain employee assistance program (EAP) application is now required to be deployed?
What is Screened Host?
Explain Can traceout command work across the firewall? If No then why? If Yes then why?
In what way firewall provides security and how far it works to different intruders and attackers? and what are all the disadvantages in the firewalls security access?
What is IP Splicing/Hijacking?
What is Screened Subnet?
What is Virtual Network Perimeter?
What is Data Driven Attack?
What is Dual Homed Gateway?