⟩ Explain me what teacher must not do?
☛ Teacher should not humiliate student, especially in front of others
☛ They should not judge a student on the basis of their academic records and marking
☛ Teacher should not give low grade to the student due to their personal strife
☛ Teacher should not ask the student to cover everything on their own, when they miss a class; their assistance is required
☛ Teacher should not look students grasping power as an equal to his/her, and expect them to learn everything real quick
☛ Teacher should not teach a lesson as if he/she teaching to himself. He must involve students by taking small breaks in between lessons and ask them if they needed any help
☛ Teacher should not try to dominant student, in fact; they should remain calm and be at receiving end
☛ Teacher should not be over-demanding and understand the potential of the fellow student before allotting any task