
Question and Answer:

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⟩ As you know you are currently working for DreamWorks Animation, Can you describe a typical day for yourself at DreamWorks?

A typical day would be coming in and grabbing a quick breakfast before heading to my desk to check on my overnight renders. I then head into morning dailies where I show my work in front of the director and supervisors. I get notes and head back to my desk. I work on the notes for my shot. Lunchtime rolls around and I head down to the commissary with some friends and eat. We wrap lunch in about an hour and I head back upstairs to continue working on my shot. I sent off a render and get prepared for afternoon rounds (which is the same thing as dailies except at the end of the day) I get a buy off from my lead and submit for afternoon rounds. I meet again with the director and hope that I addressed all his notes. If he's happy he'll approve the shot, if not I'll get some more notes and continue the same process the next day until the shot is approved. There you have it.


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