
Question and Answer:

  Home  Intel Microprocessor

⟩ What do you understand by MACRO? Explain the various conditional constructs used while programming a macro?

- Macro can be considered to be a sequence of instructions to which a name is assigned.

- For short sequence of instructions which are of fixed nature Macros are used.

- They can execute faster as compared to subroutines.

- The MACRO directives are used to inform the assembler the starting of a macro.

- In order to enclose a macro the ENDM directive is used.

- The general format of the MACRO directive is :

Macro Name MACRO ARG1, ARG2 , …..,ARG N.

- To create macro sequences conditional assembly language statements are used. Theses statements control the flow of the program and are variations of the IF-THEN, IF-THEN-ELSE, DO-WHILE, and REPEAT-UNTIL constructs used in high-level language programming languages.


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