⟩ When should you use multiple inheritance?
There are three acceptable answers: "Never," "Rarely," and "When the problem domain cannot be accurately modeled any other way."
There are three acceptable answers: "Never," "Rarely," and "When the problem domain cannot be accurately modeled any other way."
What is the LINKAGE SECTION used for?
What is the Purpose of POINTER Phrase in STRING command?
Describe the difference between subscripting and indexing?
What is the Importance of GLOBAL clause According to new standards of COBOL?
What is difference between COBOL and VS COBOL II?
What is the difference between external and global variables?
Difference between next and continue clause?
What is the significance of above the line and below the line?
What was removed from COBOL in the COBOL II implementation?
Explain call by context by comparing it to other calls?