⟩ Why do you use only Perl when there a lot of more languages available in market like C, Java?
compare to other c and java perl is having strong regular
expression concept so data extraction will be easier and
complition will be faster too
compare to other c and java perl is having strong regular
expression concept so data extraction will be easier and
complition will be faster too
What are 77 levels used for?
Name the divisions, which are available in a COBOL program?
What does the INITIALIZE verb do?
What does a status return code of nn29 mean in relation to record locks?
How are record locks released?
What are the types of record locks and how are they set?
What is an area sweep and when is it used?
If you are current on the owner of a set, what is the difference between obtain next and obtain first?
How you can read the file from bottom?
Why would you use find and get rather than to obtain?