⟩ What is binary search?
Search on a sorted array. Compare the item to be searched with the item at the center. If it matches, fine else repeat the process with the left half or the right half depending on where the item lies.
Search on a sorted array. Compare the item to be searched with the item at the center. If it matches, fine else repeat the process with the left half or the right half depending on where the item lies.
Disease x succeeds lung disease. it may also occur healthy persons the person looks healthier from outside. the number of red blood cells in the blood increased and this leads to thickness of the blood as a result of which blood lacks inside the vessels .the person suffers heart attack. one possible solution is to remove a liter of blood or to control the growth of red blood cells?
Senior managers in a leading company said that new Japanese investment in India was transforming the car industry and warned that jobs were under threat from Japanese competition. they stated that increasing competition would be coupled with an in evitable downturn in the car market and the recent rise in interest rates which had already hit demand?
Explain red-black trees?
Explain B+ tree? Explain its uses?
Do you know implementation of traversal of a binary tree?
Explain binary tree? Explain its uses?
What is threaded binary tree. Explain its common uses?
Explain a B+ tree?
Explain ree database. Explain its common uses?
Can you explain implementation of deletion from a binary tree?