⟩ What is a scope terminator Give example?
Scope terminator is used to mark the end of a verb e.g. EVALUATE, END-EVALUATE; IF, END-IF.
Scope terminator is used to mark the end of a verb e.g. EVALUATE, END-EVALUATE; IF, END-IF.
what is the purpose of software testings - Bug removal, Systems functionality working, quality or all?
Define Reliability?
Define Quality - bug free, Functionality working or both?
What are test bugs?
How much time is/should be alloated for Testing out of total Development time based on industry standards?
What is the difference between bug and defect?
What is the difference between an exception and an error?
Correct bug tracking process - Reporting, Re-testing, Debigging?
What is the difference between SYSTEM TESTING and END-TO-END TESTING?
What is Traceability Matrix? Is there any interchangeable term for Traceability Matrix?