
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Electronics technology is coming to the rescue of helicopters which can be grounded or crash in icy conditions the machines are especially vulnerable to the build up of ice on both their rotors and engine air intake when operating in cold damp conditions. the problem is 2 fold ice increases the weight and the build up makes the aerofoils less efficient .now at last a detector has been devised which the company hopes will means after flights and less frequent grounding. unlike most devices in use at present it can detect the liquid water content of cloud above freezing level. so the warning is given before the potential hazard is encountered?

an electronic device has been invented which will prevent he build up of ice on helicopter rotors (True/False/Can't say)

helicopters are sometimes grounded because in cold damp weather their engine air intakes and rotors malfunction owing to the formation of ice. (True/False/Can't say)

only one device can at present detect the liquid water content of cloud above freezing level (True/False/Can't say)

in future fewer helicopters will crash or have to grounded (True/False/Can't say)

1. false

2. true

3. can't say

4. can't say


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