⟩ Confucius said that to know the future we have to understand the past his time transport ,communications and scientific knowledge were less developed than they are today. News took weeks to travel where as today satellite links connect the continents virtually instantaneously. But our technological advances in the field of communications seem not to have improved our capacity to understand one another?
in Confucius day people were more intelligent (True/False/Can't say)
We understand each other better now than in Confucius time because we can travel more quickly (True/False/Can't say)
We have made great improvements in transport since Confucius day (True/False/Can't say)
None of our scientific discoveries has really improved our lives (True/False/Can't say)
1.true(bcoz it represents todays life)
2. false(eventhough we improved in technology yet we not improved in understanding)
3.true(transport has been improved today)
4.true(they improved in transport but not improved our understandability of people)