⟩ Words in totalitarian systems have an unhealthy importance and in such states now attempting to return to a more democratic normality there has been a natural inevitable and healthy devaluation of words whereas previously a single word used in a speech or even a play or poem could be a serious political event now the words come cheaper almost free. Politics is politics again and poetry only poetry?
Totalitarian state devalue words (True/False/Can't say)
Only non-totalitarian regimes produce poetry of political importance (True/False/Can't say)
Writers under totalitarian regimes have to choose their words carefully (True/False/Can't say)
The democratic political system is healthier than others (True/False/Can't say)
Totalitarian state devalue words -true
Only non-totalitarian regimes produce poetry of political importance-false
Writers under totalitarian regimes have to choose their words carefully-True
The democratic political system is healthier than others -True