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⟩ Please explain request/response cycle?

Let’s explain request/response flow in Rails:

☛ The user opens their browser and enters a URL.

☛ The browser sends a GET request to the URL. The request hits the Rails Router (config/routes.rb).

☛ The router receives the request information from the web server and based on that, decides which controller action should be called. If a request matches to any path in the routes file, the corresponding controller and action will be called.

☛ The controller receives the parameters from the router and passes them into appropriate model methods.

☛ The model queries a database to fetch data.

☛ The Database returns stored data to the model.

☛ The model manages the data and returns it to the controller.

☛ The controller feeds the received data to the view.

☛ The view renders the page as HTML, prepares a response and forwards it to the controller.

☛ The controller forwards the ready response to the browser.

☛ The browser displays a response to the user.


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