⟩ Tell me what is an explicit Intent?
Android Explicit intent specifies the component to be invoked from activity. In other words, we can call another activity in android by explicit intent.
Android Explicit intent specifies the component to be invoked from activity. In other words, we can call another activity in android by explicit intent.
What is DAU per MAU (DAU/MAU)?
Tell us what Is The Use Of Assetbundle In Unity3d?
Tell us why Deferred Lighting Optimizes Scenes With A Lot Of Lights And Elements?
Explain me what Are The Characteristics Of Unity3d?
Can you arrange The Event Functions Listed Below In The Order In Which They Will Be Invoked When An Application Is Closed ☛ Update() ☛ Ongui() ☛ Awake() ☛ Ondisable() ☛ Start() ☛ Lateupdate() ☛ Onenable() ☛ Onapplicationquit() ☛ Ondestroy() The correct execution order of these event functions when an application closes is as follows
Can you please explain Two Gameobjects, Each With Only An Spherecollider, Both Set As Trigger And Raise Ontrigger Events?
Tell me in A Few Words, What Roles The Inspector, Project And Hierarchy Panels In The Unity Editor Have. Which Is Responsible For Referencing The Content That Will Be Included In The Build Process?
Tell me the Issue With The Code Below And Provide An Alternative Implementation That Would Correct The Problem. Using Unityengine; Using System.collections; Public Class Test Monobehaviour { Void Start () { Transform.position.x = 10; } }?
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