⟩ Tell me some Key Features Of Unity3d Ue4 ( Unreal Engine 4)?
► Game logic is written in C++ or blueprint editor
► Base scene object- Actor
► Input Events- Component UInputComponent of Actor class
► Main classes and function of UE4 includes int32,int24, Fstring, Ftransform, FQuat, FRotator, Actor and TArray
► To create a new instance of a specified class and to point towards the newly created Actor. UWorld::SpawnActor() may be used
► UI of Unreal Engine 4 is more flexible and less prone to crashes
► It does not support systems like X-box 360 or PS3, it requires AMD Radeon HD card to function properly
► Less expensive compare to Unity3D
► To use UE4 you don't need programming language knowledge
► Game logic is written using the Mono environment
► Base scene object- GameObject
► Input events- Class Input
► Main classes and function include int,string,quaternion,transform, rotation, gameobject, Array
► To make a copy of an object you can use the function Instantiate()
► The asset store of this tool is much better stacked than UE4
► It supports wide range of gaming consoles like X-box and PS4, as well as their predecessors
► Unity3D has free version which lacks few functionality while pro version is bit expensive in compare to UE4
► It requires programming language knowledge.