⟩ Tell me what is the Procedure for Fit-Up inspection?
Base metal classification, cleaning, Alignment, root gap, root face, bevel angle & mismatch (or) overlap.
Base metal classification, cleaning, Alignment, root gap, root face, bevel angle & mismatch (or) overlap.
What motivates you to work hard as Draftsman?
Explain how to set up a default drawing directory?
Explain me what is the use of variant in AutoCad?
Do you know what are the uses of Autocad?
What are grips?
Explain how can you make a spring, spiral or screw thread?
Explain me how you can hide the specific layers when plotting in Autocad?
Tell me what are the benefits of using Autocad?
What is AutoCad?
Tell me your salary requirements as Draftsman?