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⟩ Operational and Situational Real Estate Broker Interview Questions

☛ How will you attract new clients to our company?

☛ What are the most effective advertising techniques? Explain how you use social media to promote properties.

☛ Describe how you inspect a property. What are your main points of focus and what do you ask the owner?

☛ When do you identify a purchase closing as successful?

☛ What questions do you ask tenants to identify their needs?

☛ What documents are required to close the deal and who signs them?

☛ Do you use any tools or applications to organize your list of properties?

☛ How do you manage your appointments?

☛ If you had to sell a property in a neighborhood you’ve never been before, what would you do?

☛ When you advertise a bargain, how do you ensure competitors won’t reach to it?

☛ A young couple is looking to buy an apartment. What kind of houses would you suggest to them? How would your approach be different from other cases?

☛ Do you have a network of mortgage lenders and constructors you collaborate with?

☛ What are your obligations as a Real Estate Agent? Are you familiar with industry best practices?


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