
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Top Real Estate Developer Job Interview Questions

• What first sparked your interest in real estate?

• Tell my why you are passionate about working in the real estate industry.

• What skills have you learned in your MSREI program at Johns Hopkins that will help you in the field?

• What is your competitive advantage to the field of real estate?

• What trends do see in local real estate? In real estate globally?

• Why do you believe the real estate industry is relationship centric?

• What does the infrastructure part of your degree entail?

• What types of finance courses have you taken in your program?

• Tell me about your experience with working in teams. What made it positive or negative?

• Tell me about a time that you faced adversity in your workplace. How did you overcome?

• Tell me about a time that you had to negotiate with a colleague, manager, or client. What was the result?

• What do you know about “equity” and “debt?”

• Explain the relationship between “IRR”, “NPV” and the “discount rate.” (The right answer is “When IRR is equal to the discount rate, NPV is zero.”)

• Talk to me about the relationship and differences of Property Management and Asset Management.

• How do you use a Cap Rate?

• Tell me what you know about “Real Estate Cycles”.

• Tell me about a construction or development project where you have played a significant role. what was the result?

• How would you describe your style of leadership? How is this influential to the real estate industry?

• How are you involved in the community? How would your involvement add value to this company?

• How do you maintain balance and order under pressure?

• You are told by a supervisor to misrepresent information about a deal you are working on. What do you do? How do you respond?

• What professional real estate associations are you active in and how do you contribute?

• What areas or trends do you see most influencing the future of the real estate industry?


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