
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Consultant Job Interview Questions

► What kinds of projects do you typically work on? What has been the focus of the last four or five projects you have worked on?

► What do you see as the major issues facing this industry?

► What has been your average number of clients at a time?

► Do you tend to focus on one project, or do you handle a number of projects simultaneously?

► What steps do you take to ensure that you do not spread yourself too thin among your clients?

► How do you keep track of your progress during a project?

► We want to achieve savings of 20% in the next 12 months. How can you help us reach this goal?

► Walk me through the life cycle of a recent project you worked on from start to finish. What results/deliverables did you achieve? What went well and what did not go well?

► Tell me about a time when you faced an ethical dilemma, and how you managed it.

► What are some important ethical considerations for consultants?

► Describe how you typically conduct a sales meeting.

► What's your leadership style?

► Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult client. What did you learn from the experience? What would you do differently?

► How would you explain a complex technical issue to a client?

► You are consulting a small firm that sells a well-reputed product. A large competitor starts selling a similar product incorporating the most recent technology. What should the small firm do in response?


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