⟩ Radiology (Interventional) Based Job Interview Questions
► Why have you applied to this particular trust?
► What qualities can you bring to this post?
► You mentioned that you are a good team player. What does that mean? And what are your main weaknesses?
► What do patients think of you?
► What do you do to de-stress?
► Tell what you understand by appraisal.
► What is the difference between assessment and appraisal?
► How would you react to your Royal College advocating objective assessments as part of revalidation?
► A recent audit in the department shows that you are not performing as well as the other consultants. How do you react to this?
► Your clinical director feels that the 10 hours of SPA time in your job plan are rather generous and would like you to do another 4 hours of direct clinical care. What would you do?
► Tell me about your radiology experience as a consultant.
► What do you think of open access to GPs for musculoskeletal ultrasound?
► What about radiographers doing musculoskeletal ultrasound?
► Talk me through your experience of musculoskeletal interventional procedures.
► Can you perform MR arthrograms competently?
► What is your opinion on open access to GPs for MRI? What do you think are the issues associated with this?
► What is your experience of CT colonography?
► What is your experience of cardiac CT.
► Tell me more about your most recent poster.
► What experience do you have of 3.0 Tesla MR imaging. Do you think there is a role for a 3.0 T MRI scanner in a DGH?
► Would you be happy to perform drainage of a deep pelvic abscess or a lung biopsy?
► You are on call and an FY1 has contacted you asking for an urgent MRI of the lumbar spine for cauda equine syndrome. What do you do next?
► What are the child protection issues in radiology?
► What is your experience of head and neck radiology?