
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Consultant Teaching Based Interview Questions

► Tell us about your teaching experience.

► How do you cope with teaching multidisciplinary groups?

► Tell us about Problem-Based Learning? What are its pros and cons?

► What kind of teaching do you like/dislike the most?

► Tell us about your worst teaching experience as a teacher.

► What have you learnt from the teaching courses you attended?

► Do you think that anyone can be taught?

► How would you enthuse a junior doctor who had shown an interest into your specialty to join the specialty as a career?

► If I gave you a group of 6 FY2s/ST1s to teach next week for one hour on <topic>, how would you go about preparing for it?

► What makes you a good teacher?

► How do you know that youare a good teacher?

► What is the difference between a good teacher and an excellent teacher?

► How can we maintain good teaching in view of the decreased number of hours imposed by the European Working Time Directive?

► Other than by attending courses, how would you improve your teaching skills?

► Tell us about some of the negative feedback that you have received following your teaching sessions.

► How would you explain to an uneducated patient what <condition> is?


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