
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Histopathology Consultant Interview Questions

► Tell us about your training experience. What did you feel were the advantages and drawbacks?

► How many cases have you reported?

► The post needs research interests. How do you think you can develop this?

► What is you subspecialist interest and how can it fit within the current job plan?

► What is your experience in GI pathology?

► Not everyone can be a leader. What do you understand by 'Clinical Leadership'? How would you develop this within your department?

► What leadership role would you like to take in future?

► What are the changes propsed by the current white paper?

► Which of these do you think is the most important change and why?

► What is the major threat to our Trust as a result of the proposed changes?

► What are the criteria for patient satisfaction during the period of their treatment in a hospital?


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