
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Management of Comprehensive School Counseling Program Interview Questions

► How do you use data in a school counseling program?

► What type of school counseling activities would you institute to help close the achievement gap at our school?

► What innovative and new ideas would you like to employ as a school counselor?

► How would you divide your time between meeting the immediate needs of the students and keeping up with the paperwork?

► What technology applications do you see being useful in your work?

► How will you evaluate your school counseling program?

► What type of data would demonstrate an effective school counseling program?

► What do the most recent state standardized test results indicate about this school district and this school; and what is your role regarding standardized testing?

► How do you see the word "leader" fitting in to your role as a school counselor?

► What leadership experiences have you had?

► How have you advocated for students?

► How do school counselors advocate for students differently than other school staff?


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