
Question and Answer:

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⟩ ANAESTHESIA Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions

☛ Tell me about your CV

☛ Tell me about your orthopaedic anaesthesia experience

☛ Tell me about the GIC course you attended; did you find it useful?

☛ How do you evaluate your teaching sessions?

☛ How would you advise me to collect my CPD points in line with the new GMC revalidation process/RCOA matrix?

☛ What is the best intervention that affected anaesthesia in your lifetime?

☛ The hospital covers a huge geographical area - how would you most effectively staff a pre-op assessment clinic attached to an outreach orthopaedic OPD clinic?

☛ Why are anaesthetists involved in pre-op assessment?

☛ In which ways would you improve productivity without spending more money ?

☛ Tell me about an audit youve done, relevant to this hospital, that has led to improvements.

☛ Why are you competitive?

☛ Patient in recovery in fast AF. How would you manage it?

☛ Patient in pre-op for elective hip replacement, 9 months after insertion of drug eluting stent - what would you advise?

☛ How would you introduce a new idea when you start as a consultant?

☛ We are a small department and have to work together. Tell me about teamwork

☛ How much blood loss per hour is there from a revision hip replacement?


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