
Question and Answer:

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⟩ CLINICAL GOVERNANCE & SAFE PRACTICE Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions

☛ What makes you think that you are safe?

☛ How do you know that you are safe ?

☛ How can we make sure that you are performing to the standards of Good Medical Practice?

☛ Tell us about your day-to-day experience of clinical governance.

☛ What contribution can you make to clinical governance in your new consultant post?

☛ How do you keep up to date?

☛ How do you identify your weaknesses and deficiencies?

☛ What contribution can you make to risk management?

☛ Do you believe in a no-blame culture?

☛ When did you last have to complete a critical incident form?

☛ How would you encourage your team to complete critical incident forms each time it is appropriate?

☛ What are the hurdles to implementing clinical governance in a department?

☛ Tell us about a recent clinical mistake that you have made.

☛ Tell us about your biggest mistake.

☛ Tell us about a situation where you felt out of your depth.

☛ When is the last time that you had to seek senior help?

☛ Do you think that it is acceptable for consultants to ask for help?

☛ Tell us about your audit experience.

☛ How does patient feedback influence your practice?

☛ How responsive are you to your patients' needs?

☛ Tell us about the most difficult clinical situation you have faced.


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