⟩ Tell me in your previous experience, what kind of documents you have created?
I have worked on, Functional Specification Documents, Technical Specification Documents, Business Requirements Documents, Use Case Diagram etc.
I have worked on, Functional Specification Documents, Technical Specification Documents, Business Requirements Documents, Use Case Diagram etc.
Be clear if you expect a girl to do a few duties?
If the women is still studying and and has not finished, will she be allowed to complete her education?
Don't agree to marriage after the first meeting?
Ask about her marriage expectations?
What are the skills required for marriage and family therapist employee in order to success in his work?
describe the abilities you have in order to work with us as marriage and family therapist?
Do you believe that there are roles a person has in a marriage because of their gender?
Ask about her duties towards her parents?
Ask about her lifestyle?
When your parents experienced conflict with each other, how did they handle it?