⟩ Give some known Windows version and its codename?
Windows 98 – Memphis
Windows Me – Millenium
Windows XP – Whistler
Windows Vista – Longhorn
Windows 7 – Vienna and Blackcomb
Windows 98 – Memphis
Windows Me – Millenium
Windows XP – Whistler
Windows Vista – Longhorn
Windows 7 – Vienna and Blackcomb
Tell us do You Have Experience Processing Special Pay Items?
Explain me what are the responsibilities of a property or casualty actuary?
Do you know what does a pension actuary do?
Explain where do you see yourself in five years time?
Explain typical IRS Forms Such as Form W-2 and W-4?
Tell us what Is Your Experience with Computerized Payroll Systems or Software?
As you know we have state-of-the-art technology. Would you be able to jump right in?
Tell me do you think your boss is a good Manager?
Tell me a time when you had to take initiative?
Explain what do you think of your current job? / Why do you want to leave?