
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Tell me what measures are there that allow you to receive help if you are struggling to settle in or do your work? Is it easy to get in touch with senior management?

I personally think that Aon make it extremely easy to settle in and it is very hard for you not to find people to talk to or someone to confide in if you have any problems. You are even assigned a buddy that you can ask any questions you like, these can range from asking about pensions to something more general about how certain things work at the company. This can really help to make sure you feel in the loop at a new company. I have been very fortunate to find a firm in which everyone is friendly and welcoming.

Before starting work in the office, the graduates go on a residential induction where they can get to know each other and learn a bit about what their role is within the firm. It’s a really fun experience, and it means that when you start in the office it’s easier to settle in because you’ve already made friends there and have a general understanding of your role.


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