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⟩ Tell me What Is The Approach A Tour Guide Should Go For To Make His Tour Standout?

To stand out his tour, tour guide must do following things:

☛ Be a naturalist: Point out some significant natural landmark during your tour, natural habitat, and landscapes are always the tourist attraction.

☛ Speak about conservation: Tell them some information about how local have conserved this place and how much it is important for them. Give some direction of what to do and what not to do while tour like at some place taking pictures or touching of architectural statues is not allowed.

☛ Use interesting language or few words: Learn some basic words or language of the tourist you are guiding, it will help them to mix with you, and they will take interest in what you say.

☛ Intriguing opening: Always ask tourist about their interest and why they choose the place to visit, etc.

☛ Non-verbal communication: Your body language should be positive and use hand gestures while explaining them, smile and make eye contact. It will give them a sense of reliability and trust on you.


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