
Question and Answer:

  Home  Cryptography Teacher

⟩ For an inputs key of size 128 bits constituting of all zeros, what is w(7) ? a) {62 63 63 63} b) {62 62 62 62} c) {00 00 00 00} d) {63 63 63 62}

a) {62 63 63 63}

Explanation: Applying the key algorithm we get,

w(0) = {00 00 00 00}; w(1) = {00 00 00 00}; w(2) = {00 00 00 00}; w(3) = {00 00 00 00};

w(4) = {62 63 63 63}; w(5) = {62 63 63 63}; w(6) = {62 63 63 63}; w(7) = {62 63 63 63}


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