
Question and Answer:

  Home  Customer Support Specialist

⟩ Tell me what do you know about customer service?

The customer service knowledge requirements will vary depending on the organization, the product or service and the scope of the customer service job.

However typical knowledge requirements for a customer service job include:

☛ knowledge of relevant computer applications

☛ data entry

☛ information processing

☛ numeric, oral and written language applications

☛ administrative/clerical procedures

☛ customer relationship principles and practices

Questions around the knowledge requirements will usually be answered by reviewing your resume as they refer directly to your qualifications and work experience.

Prepare for questions that explore your customer service training and your work experience relevant to the specific knowledge requirements listed such as:

"Which software applications are you proficient in?"

"What products and services have you dealt with?"

"How many orders/queries did you deal with on an average day?"


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