⟩ Explain the steps to insert data into a singly linked list?
Steps to insert data into a singly linked list:-
Insert in middle
Data: 1, 2, 3, 5
1. Locate the node after which a new node (say 4) needs to be inserted.(say after 3)
2. create the new node i.e. 4
3. Point the new node 4 to 5 (new_node->next = node->next(5))
4. Point the node 3 to node 4 (node->next =newnode)
Insert in the beginning
Data: 2, 3, 5
1. Locate the first node in the list (2)
2. Point the new node (say 1) to the first node. (new_node->next=first) Insert in the end
Insert in the end
Data: 2, 3, 5
1. Locate the last node in the list (5)
2. Point the last node (5) to the new node (say 6). (node->next=new_node)