⟩ Tell me about circular linked list?
An array of pointers is an array consisting of pointers. Here, each pointer points to a row of the matrix or an element. E.g char *array [] = {"a", "b"}. This is an array of pointers to to characters.
An array of pointers is an array consisting of pointers. Here, each pointer points to a row of the matrix or an element. E.g char *array [] = {"a", "b"}. This is an array of pointers to to characters.
Explain Why fact table is in normal form?
What is a CUBE in datawarehousing concept?
Explain Differences between star and snowflake schemas?
Explain degenerate dimension table?
Explain hybrid slowly changing dimension?
Explain What are the possible data marts in Retail sales?
Explain ER Diagram?
Explain What are the steps to build the data warehouse?
What is Data warehosuing Hierarchy?
what is junk dimension? what is the difference between junk dimension and degenerated dimension?