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⟩ What is caching? What are the different types of caching?

I don't know how this question can be answered interms of

crystal enviroment. Anyhow I know somethig abt caching,

There are many servers comes along with your CRS suite, BO,

or Crystal Enterprise suite.

All these servers run behind crystal reports to run and

publish the reports successfully. Maintaining all these

servers is kind of amin job.

Below are the list of servers that work together to make

Crystal reports a successfull pack:

1) Input server(File repository Server)

2)Output server(File Repository Server)

3) Cache server

4) destination job server

5) event server

6)list of values job server

7) page server

8)program job server

9) RAS(Reports Application Server)

10)report job server

11)CMS(Central Management Server)


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