⟩ How to add zero "0" before record in a field?
String("o",1):Column name
Here 1 is how many zeros we want
String("o",1):Column name
Here 1 is how many zeros we want
How can you import tables from a database?
Where the cache files stored?
What is dimension modeling?
What is data cleaning? How can we do that?
Can any one explain the Hierarchies level Data warehousing.
Can any one explain about Core Dimension, Balanced Dimension, and Dirty Dimension?
How much data hold in one universe.
What is Core Dimension?
After we create a SCD table, can we use that particular Dimension as a dimension table for Star Schema?
What is the difference between Snowflake and Star Schema? What are situations where Snowflake Schema is better than Star Schema when the opposite is true?