⟩ Explain What are the measure objects?
Aggregate calculation like sum,avg,max,min these are the measure objetcs.
Aggregate calculation like sum,avg,max,min these are the measure objetcs.
In Microstrategy, how can we direct the sql generated to use a specifc table?
What is static prompt in microstrategy?
Is that possible to Insert and Update a record in the Database through Microstrategy?
What are the roles & responsibilities of microstrategy developer?
How to optimize a report in microstrategy environment?
How to use value prompt and drag it on to report editor?
Suppose I want to get sales data for the last (suppose 10) dates dynamically using value prompt how can i do it and drag it onto report editor?
Difference between standard, absolute and ignore condition in metrics?
How to do performance tuning on reports?
In Microstrategy, how can you direct the sql generated to use a specifc table?