⟩ Tell me do you have supervising experience?
Yes I have supervised small to medium crews on multiple crews vu.
Yes I have supervised small to medium crews on multiple crews vu.
Explain about a short term plan you developed for your department/team/group?
Explain about your education. How has it prepared you for a career as a Warehouse Supervisor?
Tell us what are your greatest weaknesses and what are you doing to improve it?
Tell me how do you prioritize your work?
Please tell me do you work well under pressure?
Tell me what leadership roles have you had in the past?
Tell me what do you already know about our warehouse, and our company?
Tell me how would you know you were successful on this warehouse supervisor job?
Tell us when have you negotiated a better deal with a vendor?
Explain me what are three positive things your last boss would say about you?