⟩ What are collection pools? What are the advantages?
A connection pool is a cache of database connections that is maintained in memory, so that the connections may be reused
A connection pool is a cache of database connections that is maintained in memory, so that the connections may be reused
Explain me what would you use the recordsetclone object of the form for?
Tell us how Do You Import Data From Another Access Database?
Tell us what does "Application-defined or object-defined error" mean?
Tell me About How You Can Import A Sharepoint List?
Do you know what is 32 bit nuances?
Tell me what makes MongoDB best?
Tell me will the journal replay have problems if entries are incomplete (like the failure happened in the middle of one)?
Please compare MongoDB with CouchDB and CouchBase?
Explain what is the basic difference between MySQL and MongoDB?
Explain what are the various types of NoSQL databases?