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⟩ What are database states in MS SQL Server?

A database is always in one specific state. For example, these states include ONLINE, OFFLINE, or SUSPECT. To verify the current state of a database, select the state_desc column in the sys.databases catalog view. The following table defines the database states.

* ONLINE - Database is available for access. The primary filegroup is online, although the undo phase of recovery may not have been completed.

* OFFLINE - Database is unavailable. A database becomes offline by explicit user action and remains offline until additional user action is taken. For example, the database may be taken offline in order to move a file to a new disk. The database is then brought back online after the move has been completed.

* RESTORING - One or more files of the primary filegroup are being restored, or one or more secondary files are being restored offline. The database is unavailable.

* RECOVERING - Database is being recovered. The recovering process is a transient state; the database will automatically become online if the recovery succeeds. If the recovery fails, the database will become suspect. The database is unavailable.


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