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⟩ How To Use Group Functions in the SELECT Clause in MS SQL Server?

If group functions are used in the SELECT clause, all rows that meet the criteria defined in the WHERE clause will be treated as a single group. The group functions will be apply all rows in that group as a whole. The final output of the SELECT statement is the resulting values of the group functions, not the rows in the group. Here are two good examples of using group functions :

SELECT COUNT(*), MAX(counts), MIN(created)

FROM ggl_links


COUNT(*) MAX(counts) MIN(created)

7 972 2003-01-01

SELECT COUNT(*), MAX(counts), MIN(created)

FROM ggl_links WHERE tag = 'DBA'


COUNT(*) MAX(counts) MIN(created)

3 972 2005-01-01

In first case, the group contains all the rows in table ggl_links, because is no WHERE clause. In the second case, the group contains only 3 rows because of the WHERE clause tag = 'DBA'.


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