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⟩ What Are Approximate Numeric Data Types in MS SQL Server?

Approximate numeric data types are used to store numeric values with floating decimal points. SQL Server 2005 supports the following approximate numeric data types:

* FLOAT - Floating point values with a fixed number of bits n for the mantissa part defined as FLOAT(n). FLOAT values are in the range of -1.79E+308 to -2.23E-308, 0 and 2.23E-308 to 1.79E+308.

* REAL - Same as FLOAT(24), also called single precision floating point numbers.

The DOUBLE PRECISION data type is supported as a synonym of FLOAT(53). Here are some good examples of approximate numeric values:

PRINT 9.22337203685e+010; -- FLOAT(53)

PRINT 9.22337e+010; -- FLOAT(24)



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