
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Professional Fire Fighter Airport Job Interview Questions

☛ Give an example of a time which you were faced with an emergency situation.

☛ Explain the circumstances and your actions.

☛ What kinds of personal conflicts/problems might arise in a firehouse and what could you do to minimize such problems?

☛ What personality traits do you possess that make you feel you would be a good firefighter?

☛ If hired what would you give to our department?

☛ What are some of the important traits a firefighter must possess?

☛ What is the most important trait a firefighter must possess?

☛ How could you help maintain good relations around the firehouse?

☛ What is a typical daily routine in a firehouse?

☛ What will you do with your spare time while on duty?

☛ What duties does a firefighter perform?

☛ What is the most essential duty a firefighter performs?

☛ What type of person would you find it most difficult to work with?

☛ Would you ever disobey an order?

☛ When would you disobey an order?

☛ What do you know about the city of ________?

☛ What do you know about the organizational structure of the ____ Fire Department?

☛ What are your hobbies and/or interests?

☛ Define harassment/sexual harassment.

☛ What would you do if you were witness to someone being sexually harassed/harassed?


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