⟩ How To List All Tables in the Database using odbc_tables()?
If you want to get a list of all tables in the database, you can use the odbc_tables() function, which can actually be used to list all tables and views in the database. The syntax of odbc_tables() is:
$result_set = odbc_tables($connection_object,
$qualifier, # database name for SQL Server
$owner, # schema name for SQL Server
$name, # table or view name for SQL Server
$type # valid type names are TABLE and VIEW
#- The returning result set contains 5 fields:
The owner and name arguments accept search patterns ('%' to match zero or more characters and '_' to match a single character).
The tutorial example below shows you how to get a list of tables in the current database, GlobalGuideLineDatabase, which is hard coded in the DSN definition: