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⟩ How To Receive Returning Result from a Query?

When you execute a SQL SELECT statement with the odbc_exec() function, you can capture the returning result with a result set object with the following syntax:

$result_set = odbc_exec($sql_statement);

#- The returning value could be a Boolean value FALSE,

#- if the execution failed.

Data rows and field values in the result set object can be retrieved using other ODBC functions as shown in the tutorial PHP script below:


$con = odbc_connect('ggl_SQL_SERVER','sa','GlobalGuideLine');

$sql = 'SELECT GETDATE()';

$res = odbc_exec($con, $sql);


$date = odbc_result($res,1);

print("Database current time: ". $date ." ");



If you run this script, you will get something like this:

Database current time: 2007-06-02 22:07:05.110


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