⟩ PHP ODBC - How To Query Multiple Tables Jointly?
If you want to query information stored in multiple tables, you can use the SELECT statement with a WHERE condition to make an inner join. Assuming that you have 3 tables in a forum system: "users" for user profile, "forums" for forums information, and "posts" for postings, you can query all postings from a single user with a script as shown below:
$con = odbc_connect('ggl_SQL_SERVER','sa','GlobalGuideLine');
$userID = 101;
$sql = "SELECT posts.subject, posts.time, users.name,"
. " forums.title"
. " FROM posts, users, forums"
. " WHERE posts.userID = ".$userID
. " AND posts.userID = users.id"
. " AND posts.forumID = forums.id";
$res = odbc_exec($con, $sql);
while ($row = odbc_fetch_array($res)) {
print($row['subject'].", ".$row['time'].", "
.$row['name'].", ".$row['title']." ");